When talking about transits, we are talking about planets and other celestial bodies moving into aspects of the natal chart. For example, the Moon transits our natal Moon every month because the Moon makes a complete orbit around the earth every 28 days. Once it returns to the same aspect as the natal Moon, we identify that as a lunar return.
More about the Moon
When talking about Astrology, the Moon is considered a planet. More specifically, the Moon is a luminary. It rotates around the earth, through the twelve signs every 28 days, staying in each sign for 2-3 days. While in that sign, one might notice changes to their habits, routines, or emotions. In addition, activities can be more fruitful if done during the Moon’s transit through a sign. For example, while the Moon is in Capricorn, you may find it easier to organize your desk, than while in Taurus. Listed below are some of the signs with suggested activities.
Some significations for Aries are: Spontaneous, brave, new beginning, active. Because Aries is ruled by Mars, Mars rules athletics, war and military, cuts, surgeons, surgeries. There are more, but you get the idea.
Avoid confrontations, arguments, and fighting; don’t lose your cool. Try stepping away, maybe meditate.
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