Why Birth Time Matters

The birth chart is divided into 12 sections, referred as Houses or Places. Think of these as different rooms in your home or different stage settings of a television program. Each House represents different topics in a person’s life. All of the zodiac signs make a complete rotation through each of these houses every 24 hours.

For example, if Scorpio is in the 1st house at 8:00 am, within the next two hours, Aries will move into the 12th house. Planets in Scorpio will stay in there, unless of course they transit out of Scorpio in those two hours. So, the signification of Scorpio being in the 1st house will change once it moves into the 12th house.

Learn more about House Topics in the next blog.

8:00 am - See the sign of Scorpio, it is marking the 1st house

10:00 am - See the sign of Scorpio, it is marking the 12th house


Astrology House Systems


Astrology is not a party trick.