Astrology Houses - 1st House

12 Houses

The 1st house is the right lower section, as highlighted in the graphic.

Ancient or Traditional Astrology assigns topics to this house that apply to the native, if this is a birth chart. Examples of these topics: personality, body, spirit, life, character, appearance, beginnings. In addition, more modern topics for this house, include first impressions, identity, approach to life.

When reading daily horoscopes, reading the sign for your Ascendent may be more applicable than you Sun sign. The Ascendent will describe more about the native’s appearance and approach to life.

When looking at a birth chart, or any other astrological chart, the 1st house is assigned by the Ascendent. The Ascendent is the point of the eastern horizon at the time and location of the event. The 1st house has been highlighted.

The chart below was at sunrise, the glyph for the Sun appears just below the top line of the 1st house, right above the As, is the Ascendent.


Chart Synastry


Astrology House Systems