2025 Astrology Forecast Links

In 2025, all outer planets will be transiting into new signs, which indicates many changes and transitions both on a personal level and a mundane level. In the US, there was a definite upset with the 2024 Elections, and Trump will be taking office as the commander-in-chief in 2025. Naturally, we can see that there will be changes. When changes happen to a nation, country, state, and city, it affects the residing citizens as well.

Many astrologers have been posting their opinions, predictions, or forecasts as to what changes may occur based on historical events corresponding to the planet’s placement in particular signs. These are exciting and scary at the same time. Advancements will happen quickly. There are so many to watch. I have watched 3 podcasts, which I am providing the link below.

Chris Brennan with cohost Austin Coppock provide a thorough forecast on a mundane level, which is about 4 ½ hours. They use chart examples and reference dates of historical events. There are time stamps for reference points in the podcast. Minimal advertisements. I enjoy this podcast, as it speaks to my analytical nature and follows a more traditional approach. Chris created personal forecasts published for rising signs for each zodiac sign, be sure to check out the link provided under the overall forecast for a personal forecast.


Another astrologer, Steve Judd, posted a forecast, his link is below. This podcast is almost 25 minutes, much shorter than Chris Brennan’s. There are time stamps. There are no chart examples for visuals representation. Steve uses a modern approach to describe the forecast. I had a few advertisements when I paused the video to scribe notes.


Pam Gregory and Kathy Rose also provide a joint forecast for 2025. This podcast is a little over 2 hours long. They begin with the major transits and then go month to month pointing out key astronomical events. Pam reviews the mundane forecast, and Kathy reviews the personal forecast. There are no time stamps. They provide screenshots that help explain the aspects they are describing, as well as a few chart examples. I did not experience any advertisements.




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